GSBS Writing Studio Institutional Training (T) Grant Support & Resources

National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Training (T) Grants are competitive grants awarded to institutions to develop or enhance research training opportunities for predoctoral and/or postdoctoral trainees in specific areas of biomedical research.  One T grant can support multiple trainees.  The awards are very competitive, and UTMB current holds 12 of these prestigious awards reflecting the quality and success of our training, mentoring, and graduate programs on campus. For information on any specific T grants, please contact the individual program or PI. 

A current list of UTMB "T" grants can be found here:   List of UTMB T Grants

Additionally, certain UTMB faculty also participate in 3 external T32 grants housed through the Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC).  Details can be found here (Note: The 3 grants UTMB faculty are involved with include the "Biomedical Informatics & Data Science", "Training Program in Antimicrobial Resistance", and "Houston Area Molecular Biophysics Program" grants listed)GCC T32s with UTMB Faculty 

T32 Faculty Resources - Table Data

Are you a PI applying for a new T grant or working towards renewing your current T grant?  The GSBS has worked to centralize predoc and postdoc data collection across the campus for various T grant tables.  We can provide you with the following data for your tables (please scroll down to the table and fill out the "GSBS Trainee Info Request Form" in the first row to initiate the process for obtaining your data):

Table 1, Part I (Predoctorates)
      -  Total Faculty by Program
      -  Total Predocs by Program
      -  Total Predocs Supported by any HHS Training Award by Program
      -  TGE Predocs Supported by this Training Grant (Renewals/Revisions) by Program
Table 1, Part II (Postdoctorates)
-  Total Faculty by Department
      -  Total Postdocs by Department
      -  Total Postdocs Supported by any HHS Training Award by Department
Table 3 (see table below with link to Table 3 info)
Table 6A (Predoctorates)
      -  Part I: Counts for Total Applicant Pool by Program, Applicants Eligible for Support by Program, New Entrants to
         each Program, and New Entrants Eligible for Support by Program
      -  Part II: Characteristics by Academic Year including mean months of prior research experience, prior institutions,
         percent from URGs, and Mean GPA for all columns across the top.

T32 Faculty Resources - Institutional Letter of Support

The GSBS now has available a template we can provide you when preparing the Institutional Letter of Support (LOS). This new template requires signatures from Dr. Melinda Sheffiled-Moore (Dean, GSBS) and Dr. Susan Chubinskaya (Provost ad interim).  If you would like to gain access to this template, please fill out the request form below and click "YES" to question number 16.

The following list of resources may be of help as you prepare your T32 application:



GSBS request form - Please fill this out to initiate the process to obtain the data for your tables.GSBS Trainee Info Request Form
List of UTMB's Institutional Training Grants and accompanying list of Participating Faculty for each
(T32 Table 3)
T32 Table 3 Information (OSP)
NIH ReporterNIH Reporter Link
NIH Biosketch informationNIH Biosketch Page
Biosketch guidance and helpGSBS Writing Studio Biosketch Page