Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Welcome! You have just entered the website of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Recognizing the value postdoctoral fellows bring to the research enterprise, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences established this office in 2009 to focus on meeting your needs, personally and professionally, during this important stage of your career.

This website includes information, resources and guidance that we hope will help you. Please forward your suggestions for additional features or resources you believe would be valuable.

If you have questions or wish more information, please contact the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at


Postdoctoral Advisory Committee

Sara Dannsmdann@UTMB.EDUInternal Medicine
Prem Shankarprshanka@utmb.eduNeurobiology
Vice President, Postdoc Association
Mahmoud Ahmedmaahmed@utmb.eduObstetrics & Gynecology
Laura Sanchez Sanchez
Secretary, Postdoc Association
Werner Braunwebraun@utmb.eduBiochemistry & Molecular Biology
Adriana Guiterrezbegutier@utmb.eduNeurology
President, Postdoc Association
Subo Yuansuyuan@utmb.eduNeurobiology
Tom Greenthgreen@utmb.eduPharmacology
Sunhee Lee sunhlee@utmb.eduMicrobiology and Immunology
Elizabeth LyonsDiellyons@utmb.eduDivision of Rehabilitation Sciences
Elizabeth Orthopaedic Surgery
Melinda Sheffield-Mooremelmoore@utmb.eduSenior Vice President and Dean, GSBS
Frank Garciafjgarcia@utmb.eduInternational Affairs Office