GSBS Postdoctoral Association
Postdoctoral Association

The UTMB Postdoctoral Association, formed in 2015, acts in tandem with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to enhance the experience for all University of Texas Medical Branch postdoctoral scholars and fellows, and to help them fully capitalize on the unique opportunities available during this pivotal phase of career development.


  • Foster a University-wide community of postdoctoral fellows by promoting professional and social interactions
  • Provide and support events, courses, and opportunities focused on career development for postdoctoral scientists*
  • Provide leadership opportunities for postdoctoral fellows as it relates to educational community outreach events and teaching platforms
  • Promote interactions between postdoctoral scholars across departments to foster multidisciplinary scientific exchange and collaborate initiatives
  • Serve as a liaison between UTMB postdoctoral fellows and the University, the National Postdoctoral Association, and other entities that interact with or impact the postdoctoral community

*The Association supports the efforts of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences’ Committee for Career Development.