Explore Degree Program
Clinical and Translational Reproductive Sciences (CTRS) Track

Clinical and Translational Reproductive Sciences Track

There is a growing need for physicians with research methodology training to help bridge the gap between bench and bedside. This is particularly important for morbid and deadly reproductive and obstetric complications, which have few prevention and treatment options. At the University of Texas Medical Branch, we offer clinicians the opportunity to gain additional training through the Masters of Medical Science (MMS) Program. This program is a flexible and cost-effective academic opportunity to validate, recognize, and enhance the research experience of clinicians wishing to perform biomedical research. The Clinical and Translational Reproductive Sciences (CTRS) Track offers specialized knowledge of human reproduction and physiology through didactic coursework and hands-on research experience training.  You will obtain a solid theoretical foundation on your research area of focus, obtain new technical skills, improve your ability to interpret basic science and clinical studies, improve your understanding of human disease from a scientific and clinical perspective, and be one step closer to working as an academic clinician at the intersection of science and medicine. 

The CTRS track was developed to give clinicians credit for research efforts, while adding an additional 8 credits of coursework. Although elective courses can be tailored, you can expect to take courses in research ethics, epidemiology, reproductive pharmacology, reproductive biology, and in vitro fertilization. Some courses are online or hybrid to offer flexibility. As part of the program, you will work closely with one of our faculty who conduct research focused on several exciting areas including the study of feto-maternal communications, development of organ-on-chip models of healthy and complicated reproductive processes, reproductive pharmacology, exosome biology, and drug discovery to name a few. 

We hope that you consider taking advantage of this program. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the track program director with questions. 


Brandie DePaoli Taylor, MPH, PhD
CTRS Track Director 
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Division of Basic Science & Translational Research
Email: bradtayl@UTMB.edu