Explore Degree Program
Explore Academic Programs

Research opportunities at UTMB address the full spectrum of basic, translational, computational and clinical research. Training in cutting edge research is offered through the following programs:

Links to Academic Program Websites

The Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)

Are you interested in earning a PhD in the biomedical sciences, but desire additional research training before applying to graduate school?

The UTMB PREP certificate program is for academically talented post-baccalaureate individuals in the sciences who are highly motivated to pursue a PhD and desire additional research experience and career skills training prior to applying to PhD programs. UTMB PREP is designed to immerse students in a top tier research environment coupled with multi-level mentoring and academic skills activities to enhance scholar’s competitiveness for graduate school. If you are nearing or have recently completed your bachelor’s degree and desire a PhD in biomedical sciences, UTMB PREP could be for you!

The Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) could be for you!

Learn more about PREP here

About Basic Biomedical Science Curriculum

The First-Year Graduate Studies in Basic Biomedical Science offers an extraordinary graduate experience that furnishes a strong foundation and breadth of biomedical concepts. The Basic Biomedical Science Curriculum (BBSC) is a specially designed first-year integrated curriculum for students wishing to pursue their doctoral research training in any of the following graduate programs at UTMB:

The BBSC provides a desirable environment for collaborative interactions with almost 300 nationally and internationally renowned graduate faculty across multi-disciplinary research areas. The BBSC is composed of foundational courses (Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Biostatistics, and Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research) and a series of 8-week laboratory rotations. Additional available activities include regular seminars and specialized courses. For more information about the BBSC, please refer to the links on the right-hand side of this page.

Informational Flyers for GSBS Programs